Prayer is not just meant for adults, it is meant for kids too. When children become active participants in Jewish tradition, they learn to value and appreciate the faith. They learn the most when they are involved. At Bais Menachem, we give the children an opportunity to have their very own Shabbos services and Torah Reading which enriches the Shabbos experience of many young children.
- Kiddie Kiddush & Services - every Shabbos morning,
10:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon
"My favorite part of Shabbos is going to the class. I love the Torah, Parsha and lolly pops." -Zipporah Karr
"I love the Kiddie Kiddush. We learn so much and have so much fun." -Bella Kalendarev
" daughter was so inspired from the Children’s Program. She didn’t want to leave to house until we reviewed the Parshah." -Deborah Roth
Kids Love It!